
Business Informatics

Business Informatics is an interdisciplinary master's degree program developed in collaboration with Northern Kentucky University (USA). The program offers modern education to prepare highly experienced professionals in the dynamic field of information technology.

Qualification to be awarded:
Saint Andrew The First-Called Georgian University (SANGU):
Master of Science in Informatics (Code: 0613.1.1)

University of North Kentucky (NKU):
Master of Science in Business Informatics

Language of instruction

Admission Requirements

Prerequisite for enrollment of Georgian citizens in the Master’s program in Business Informatics is a bachelor's degree and GPA not less than 2.5 out of 4, Unified Master’s Examination, an internationally recognized B2 level English language certificate (IELTS, TOEFL or Duolingo) or a joint exam organized by SANGU and NKU, examination/interview in a specialty. In order to achieve the outcomes of the Master's degree program, the applicant is required to have knowledge of the basic constructions and algorithms of computer networking and programming, which must be proved in the entrance exam/interview by the student.
Foreign (English) language exam may be waived for those who received higher education in an English-language program proved by a certificate of education recognition issued by the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement. The Contestant will be interviewed in English by representatives of SANGU and NKU.

The maximum number of students to be enrolled in the program: 60 (30 students per year).

Admission Exam Topics:

  1. Knowledge of the basics of computer skills;
  2. Knowledge of basics of object-oriented programming paradigms in Java or Python;
  3. Knowledge of algorithm-related terminology and key concepts, including asymptotic notations;
  4. Knowledge of using some common algorithms (sorting, searching, extreme elements, etc.) from a library of algorithms integrated into Java or Python;
  5. Knowledge of statistics terminology, and key concepts and facts;
  6. Knowledge of the basic elements of discrete mathematics.

Structure and duration of the study
The standard duration of study for the program is 2 years. To earn a master's degree from the University of North Kentucky (NKU) and Saint Andrew The First-Called Georgian University (SANGU), a student must earn at least 120 ECTS credits.
The program consists of the following components: compulsory specialization courses (66 credits), elective specialization courses (24 credits), and a research project (30 credits).

Program Directors
Dr. Susan Brudvig , Specialization: Business Administration
Dr. Lela Mirtskhulava, Specialization: Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks, Email: l.mirtskhulava@sangu.edu.ge

Program descirption

Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა

მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა
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