

St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia (SANGU) in partnership with Northern Kentucky University (NKU) presents a joint English-language master's program in Cybersecurity.

Northern Kentucky University is designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CD) by the US National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security.

Graduates will be awarded with following qualifications: Master of Science in Cybersecurity (NKU) and Master of Science in Information Technology Security (SANGU).

The master's program is intended for bachelor's graduates of any specialty.

Students will have a chance to travel to the U.S, visit NKU, attend classes, meet and work with leading specialists in Cybersecurity, and live near the NKU campus. Additionally, twice in a year NKU professors will visit the SANGU campus and give intensive class sessions to the enrolled students.


Unique opportunity!
Get the best American education in Georgia at the Cyber Security Master's Degree Program with full funding from the St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia!

Qualifications to be awarded:

  • Master of Science in Information Technology Security; code: 0612 (SANGU).
  • Master of Science in Cybersecurity (NKU)

Language of instruction: English.

Program format: Hybrid.

Structure and duration of study:

The standard duration of study for the program is 2 years. To earn a master's degree from the University of North Kentucky and St. Andrew's Georgian University, a student must earn at least 120 ECTS credits. The program includes compulsory specialization courses (72 credits), elective specialization courses (18 credits) and a research project (30 credits).

Prerequisite for admission:
Prerequisite for enrollment of Georgian citizens in the master’s degree Cybersecurity program is a bachelor's degree and GPA not less than 2.5, an internationally recognized B2 level English language certificate or a joint exam organized by SANGU and NKU, examination/interview in specialty.

Program overview

For more information, pre-register or contact us: (+995) 032 225 00 77, 551 48 00 05. info@sangu.edu.ge

Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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