
Educational Programmes Catalogue

Educational Programs Catalogue

Extra Educational Programs:

  • 60-credit Educational Program for Teacher Training (Georgian language and literature, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, English language)
  • 60-credit Educational Program for Teacher Training (Georgian language and literature, mathematics, natural science, geography, civic education, information and communication technologies, fine and applied arts, music)
  • 60-credit Educational Program for Teacher Training (Elementary level teacher (I-IV), physical education and sports, Georgian as a second language, French, German, Italian, Russian) 
  • Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate Teacher Training Program (Georgian Language and Literature, English Language, Georgian as a second language)
  • Special Education Тeacher Preparation Educational Program 

Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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აირჩიეთ SANGU პირველ, მეორე ან მესამე ნომრად და ისარგებლეთ ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით
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მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა

მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა
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