The Teacher Training Program at SANGU is successfully implemented. In this interview with Salome Nikolaishvili, a student of the Program, you will learn more about its teaching methods.
"The knowledge that I gained at SANGU will contribute to my development as a teacher in order to introduce new methods of teaching and learning in classes, as well as to understand more deeply the rights and duties of a teacher defined by law.
I think that for beginner teachers who are not yet working in this field, the practical component of teaching is the most important part, so that they can use the acquired knowledge in the classroom. It is very comfortable when your own University supports and offers you to acquire this experience on the basis of different schools.
By choosing Georgian University, those who wish to become teachers will find themselves in a comfortable and student-oriented environment. The support and assistance of the lecturers can be felt in the learning process. Their lectures include not only the discussion of theoretical material, but are enriched with concrete examples from practical experience, so that students better understand the reality that they will meet in a general educational institution."