
SANGU - A Place Where I Feel Calm

When I look back at the past three years, I remember the first year in particular, because the new stage, being a student, started interestingly. Then was pandemic during which it was difficult for me to adapt to the new reality. Despite all the inconvenience the training process was interesting and memorable in another way.
I wanted to do something that would make students happy and interested. Self-government elections were approaching, in which I took part and became the head of the Department of Education and Science. Together with one of the heads of the department, I planned and implemented public lectures, a training course, and a calligraphy competition, where students of various specialties were actively involved.
I can talk endlessly about SANGU, an environment where I feel calm. The experiences gained at the university constantly help me in interpersonal relationships.

Salome Sissauri
Student of SANGU


Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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