
Training on Accreditation and Authorization of Educational Programs

SANGU’s advisor Irine Darcia held a 3-day training course for administrative and academic staff.

Involvement of administrative services, together with the academic staff, in the process of accreditation of study programs and university authorization, is very important for establishment the systematic self-assessment and developing quality assurance mechanisms to raise education quality.
For this purpose, SANGU’s advisor Irine Darcia held a 3-day training course for administrative and academic staff.


Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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აირჩიეთ SANGU პირველ, მეორე ან მესამე ნომრად და ისარგებლეთ ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით
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მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა
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