
Training on the Use of International Scientific Databases

A training session on the use of international scientific databases discussing advantages, opportunities and rules of using them will be held on March 17, at 2:00 p.m in auditorium 401, building I.

A training session on the use of international scientific databases discussing advantages, opportunities and rules of using them will be held on March 17, at 2:00 p.m in auditorium 401, building I.

  • Cambridge Journals Online
  • e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection
  • Edward Elgar Publishing Journals and Development Studies e-books
  • IMechE Journals
  • Mathematical Sciences Publishers Journals
  • Openedition Journals
  • Royal Society Journals Collection
  • SAGE Premier
  • ACM Digital Library

Mechanisms of using the materials placed in the above-mentioned databases search and filter functions. The training also includes a practical part; trainees will learn how to find the desired information using different filters.


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მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა
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