
Adherence of Mandatory Professional Practice

On June 21, a mandatory professional internship for graduate students of SANGU International Relations was held.

On June 21, a mandatory professional internship for graduate students of SANGU International Relations was held. Compulsory internships included distance learning professional courses offered at the academic bases of several UN offices, the British National Counterterrorism Center and the UK Open University.

The aim of the internship course is to develop the future, promising assets of the country in accordance with modern and Western standards of professional knowledge and skills.


Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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აირჩიეთ SANGU პირველ, მეორე ან მესამე ნომრად და ისარგებლეთ ფინანსური მხარდაჭერით
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მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა

მასწავლებლის მომზადების 60 კრედიტიანი პროგრამა
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