
Interview with Professor Dimitri Nadirashvili

The Bachelor’s program in psychology at Georgian University is led by Doctor of Psychology, Gestalt therapist accredited in Europe, Prof. Dimitri Nadirashvili.

The Bachelor’s program in psychology at Georgian University is led by Doctor of Psychology, Gestalt therapist accredited in Europe, Prof. Dimitri Nadirashvili.
Psychology is one of the most intellectual and, at the same time, obscure professions. The reason for my interest in this profession was, on the one hand, the literature in psychology that I started reading. I was very fascinated by these books and became interested in them. On the other hand, this interest was deepened by a circle of close people, the environment of psychologists.
Upbringing is the most important process in life. As a psychologist, psychotherapist and parent, I now realize this. My father, Academician Shota Nadirashvili, headed the Institute of Psychology founded by Dimitri Uznadze for more than thirty years. He had taken responsibility for the development of psychology in Georgia and, in my opinion, was enthusiastically coping with this difficult task. For this and even a good fatherhood, he deserves great respect from me. It means to me, as a parent and educator, to encourage individuals in close relationships with me to develop their uniqueness, human values, and to be able to take responsibility for their own lives.
Our psychology program is unique; it stands on three main bases. First, we give a basic general psychological education, we teach a lot of interesting subjects that are the basics of psychology. The second is the achievements and treasures of Georgian psychology - from Dimitri Uznadze to the present day. It is important for the student to know their own roots. Third - applied psychology.
Due to the pandemic, teaching at the university has been going remotely for more than a year. Students, like everyone else, had to discover new realities, which isn’t easy. To the praise of the students it must be said that they have managed to adapt with the new normal. For me personally pandemic is no longer a problem, I adapted as a university professor too. I am ready for any difficulty. For a person who has responsibilities, ideals and great goals, there is nothing impossible.

Prepared by Nino Abramishvili


Higher School for Interpreters and Translators

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