
SANGU Scholarship Holders

In this interview Tatia, a final year student of SANGU, talks about her experience and University life.

In this interview Tatia, a final year student of SANGU, talks about her experience and University life, noting her friend recommended SANGU, which exceeded her expectations and she chose history as she loved history from her childhood. For her SANGU has warm, friendly environment and lecturers, where she had gained many friends and collected many pleasant memories. She also joined student self-government’s public relations department as she loves novelties and sharing this news with others.

Tatia became scholarship holder in her fourth year of studies, and she thinks that having a scholarship is a great motivation for a student. She thinks determination, self-belief, and sense of responsibility, these three qualities are needed to achieve success. Her advice for all future students is to think carefully before making two important decisions such as choosing a profession and the right university so they can then fulfil their goals and plan the future correctly.

Lastly, she wished success to every student, and expressed her love to the academic and administration staff, whose friendly attitude represents one of the important reasons why she loves SANGU.

Prepared by Nino Abramishvili
Photo: Nugzar Shonia


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